2011 Mercedes-Benz S600
Basic information and History
- The flagship Mercedes-Benz S600
- Well-equipped model with a long list of options
- 0-100km/h in approx. 4.5 seconds!
The car comes with Mercedes-Benz's massive 5.5-liter V12 with 510hp/810nm connected to a 5-speed automatic transmission. Performance figures offer a 0-100 sprint of approx. 4.5 seconds and a top speed limited to 250km/h. Without a top speed limiter, the car is capable of a cruising speed of over 300 km/h.
Equipment and Options
- X00 Designo Exclusive package
- P70 Infotainment package, sports package
- P44 Parking package
- P43 Seat comfort package in rear passenger compartment
- P35 Light package
- P20 Driving assistant package plus
- 876 Interior lighting package
- 386 Universal telephony package
- 301 Package smoker
- 275 Memory package (driver's seat, steering column and mirrors)
The interior is in good condition with no damage or wear. Buttons, controls, steering wheel and the like are all in good condition. The only thing that can be remarked on is rubbing from the belt holder on the center console. All functions in the passenger compartment work as they should.
Engine is described as being in good condition and will be freshly serviced. No optimizations have been performed. The gearbox and drivetrain are described as flawless. Brakes work without complaint.
Service history
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