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1930 Ford Model A Brookville Roadster


Basic information and history

Pre-war rod built to replicate the 30's and 40's cool hot rods, 1930 Ford Model A. The body comes from Brookville Roadsters,USA and has a very good fit, proper measurements and built quality. The frame comes from Denmark and the engine has been brought home from a collector in Norway. A lot has been done with the car and it is now ready to find a new owner who is as enthusiastic about the theme as the current one! The car was registered and inspected in the current version in August 2023.

  1. Ford Model A from 1930 built to period rod
  2. Well built with quality bodywork from Brookeville Roadster


The car comes in a consistently good condition. Much has been done and many parts are new. The body is newly manufactured by Brookeville Roadsters, USA according to Ford's original dimensions and the fit is extremely good. The wooden deck is also new. Window frame, window and struts are newly manufactured parts. The body is free of dents, worse scratches and other boring things. The car is of course also stainless. The frame comes from Denmark with axles and more. This has been taken apart and reviewed. The paintwork is described as being in good used condition and fits well with the 40s theme. Most of the chrome, moldings and lamp glass are new. Brakes have been checked and some parts replaced. Gearbox has new bearings. The rims are from a 1935s vehicle in size 6-16" front and 7.5-16" and the tires have rolled just under 200km. The headlights are from a 40s vehicle with 7" inserts.

The interior is in good condition. The instrument panel is original from the 30s and with patina. The steering wheel and steering column are also original from the 1930s. Steering column is cleaned and greased. Instruments are original and the speedometer stacks up. The car has been converted to 12-volt according to the original wiring diagram. New frames in seats.

Engine and gearbox have been collected from a collector in Norway and are an original engine that has been tested. The top is leveled and seals and gaskets have been replaced. Oil pump is refurbished. Backs on brakes have new bands. The radiator is from the original car. Mechanically everything works fine.

Service history

The current owner has taken good care of his car and serviced it as needed. In September, before stopping, the car got new oil.


Well-built Ford Model A Brookville Roadster from 1930. The car is built to imitate the cars you could pick up in the 40s for barely 30 dollars at the scrap yard, then remove all the unnecessary weight, throw in a closer gear ratio and then live life with during the nights, to the annoyance of neighbours and the sheriff! A reminder of a genuine feeling of freedom in a harsh climate!

The description of this auction item is, to the seller's knowledge, accurate and not misleading. Before the description is approved by the seller, Bidders Highway gathers a range of details about the listing from the seller and performs a level of background checks. However, it is up to the bidder to ensure that the description is correct and to do whatever research they deem necessary before placing a bid which is then binding. Bidders Highway does not carry out a full inspection of the object and the transaction is between the buyer and the seller. We encourage all potential bidders to ask questions and use the comments section for additional information. See our general terms and conditions for full details.


Exterior (47 images)

Interior (20 images)

Mechanics (26 images)