1963 Volvo P1800 S
Basic information and History
- The Saints' icon Volvo P1800 S
- Fully renovated car
- Stunning car
Year model 1963 comes with 1.8-liter B18B of approx. 108hp connected to a manual fourspeed. The car was inspected 2019-10-21.
In terms of chassis, the wheel suspension was completely renovated. New bushings, ball joints, p-ends, brake hoses and more. Brakes have been renovated with new pistons and gaskets, brake bands, cylinders, adjustments and wire. Rear wagon got new bushings, bearings in the diff and wheel bearings.
The engine has been renovated during 2023 with, among others things, bigger bore with new cylinders and gaskets. New camshaft in the lifter, new cam gears, gasket sets, gasket boxes and carburettor renovation. The gearbox has new stuffing boxes, gaskets and speed wire. New solenoid, clutch kit and pads for the gearbox were also made in the same crank. Also new fuel tank and hoses.
Feel free to look through photos of the car to form an idea of the condition. Questions can be asked in the comment section.
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