2019 Ural T TWD Sportsman Ranger
Basic information and background
Best way to experience adventures together? The most charming proposition would probably have to be a Ural T TWD Sportsman Ranger. A bike that has looked the same for ages with only minor updates in the last 50 years.
With its robust and durable construction, it can take you through the most demanding terrains with ease. The 750cc engine gives you the power you need to move forward regardless of the weather and conditions. Namely, TWD means 2nd wheel drive, hence its ability to ford almost any terrain.
This example is barely run in with only 4110 km on the clock and the orange paint really makes it stand out.
Sold in Sweden with only one user
Equipment and Options
To facilitate longer journeys, this vehicle is equipped with a comfort-seat and a higher screen for passengers
2-wheel drive.
Very good. The paintwork is presents well and the motorcycle appears to be well cared for according to the seller
The engine starts and runs without any issues
With off-road capability, cargo capacity for luggage and passengers, and an iconic design, we think the Ural T TWD Sportsman Ranger is the perfect choice for those looking for adventure, freedom, and a unique experience on the road.
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