1956 Hudson Metropolitan
Basic information and History
- The small car that made the big trip, the Hudson Metropolitan
- Charming and tiny
- Incredibly nice condition
Equipped with a 1.2-liter Austin engine of approx. 43hp/85nm connected to 3-speed steering gear and rear wheel drive. Just right with performance for trips to and from the ice cream kiosk!
The interior of the car is just as charming with its gold-coloured seats and patterned seating surfaces. Inner ceiling in good condition and everything else as well. Door sides have light dirt and minor marks, but nothing conspicuously bad. Lighter wear on the steering wheel, but nothing that needs to be done about. Equipped with fire extinguisher between driver and passenger.
Mechanically in good condition just like the rest of the vehicle. The engine and gearbox are without remarks and is fully working. No leaks have been found from engine, gearbox or powertrain. Under the hood nestles the small Austin stove and it looks neat and tidy. There is some fuel found below the carburettor, so a gasket change may be a good thing to do.
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